
The Sun, a Snowstorm and colder nights show the 2019 summer season terminus

The mid-May ski turns with which we concluded the 2019 winter - ski season are a far memory (https://www.my-route.gr/site/content/το-τελευταίο-τανγκό-του-χειμώνα-στον-όλυμπο-μάιος-2019), that was revived last week as new snow appeared on the slopes of Mount Olympus.

Unlike the 2018 wet and cold summer season, this summer’s the weather was rather favorable for the most time, especially for July, August and September. Overall, this was a very dry summer season on Mount Olympus, with very little rain and above average temperatures. October was no different and after an amazing first week, the weather changed rapidly towards the winter.

An October sunrise from the summit of Stefani requires an alpine start in the dark, but can be an amazing and rewarding experience (Photo © Mike Styllas)

The first snowstorm of the season was good a reminder that summer is slowly coming to an end. This means that we should gradually consider colder and wetter surprises in Muses Plateau from now on.

Of course, winter is not quite here yet as after the first snowstorm of the season, the sun came back and maybe it will stay. But keep in mind that this transitional period of summer to autumn to winter comes much faster in the higher altitude zone of Mount Olympus, above 2400m. As the weather is now changing in this zone, extra caution, better clothing and better information must become the norm.

In the foothills of Mount Olympus the weather may still remind more of summer than of winter but up high thigs are different. The conditions in the trails after a rain or a snow event can hide a few traps. Colder nights and lower daytime temperatures can freeze the snow, the rain and the moisture and form verglass on the shady parts of trails and in the couloirs leading to Mytikas.

In many occasions of this period a thick cloud blanket covers the lowlands whereas the upper mountain basks in the sunlight. But even if the sun is shining, the invisible danger of verglass and slippery rocks in the shady parts should not be overlooked from now on.

An October sunset with clouds in the low zone and clear skies up high is the norm of autumn weather. Consultation with the refuge for the conditions on the high mountain are necessary (Photo © Mike Styllas)

Refuge Ch. Kakkalos will remain open until Monday October 28, which is the last night that someone can sleep in the refuge.

On the morning of Tuesday October 29, the refuge will close down and terminate the 2019 summer season.

In the likelihood of extremely bad weather, the refuge may close down earlier.

Please contact the refuge prior to your arrival for confirming the conditions on the trails and availability. Our webcam is up and running and at this time of the year, it may be also wise to check the meteorological conditions of the previous days (https://www.meteocam.gr/olympos/).

From the Plateau of Muses, we send you our best wishes for a nice autumn season, with plenty pleasant transitions as nature dictates!

Refuge Ch Kakkalos team
Mike, Alex & Ifigenia